Wystawy psów
Pruszków - 27.08.2011
VIII Corgi Club Show
Entry form
Place: Stadion "Znicz" Pruszków, ul. Bohaterów Warszawy 4.
Deadline of entries - 15.08.2011
Welsh Corgi Pembroke
Ms Edith Soltesz - Austria
Welsh Corgi Cardigan
Mr Milan Krinke - Czech Republic
Entry Fees
baby class, 3-6 months, PLN 35
puppy class, 6-9 months, PLN 35 (10 euro)
junior class, 9-18 months, PLN 70 (20 euro)
intermediate class, 15-24 months, PLN 70 (20 euro)
open class, over 15 months, PLN 70 (20 euro)
champion class, with champion tittles PLN 70 (20 euro)
veteran class, over 8 years, PLN 35 (10 euro)
not for competition, only description, PLN 35 (10 euro)
advertisement in catalog bl/wh, 50 PLN (15 euro)
Związek Kynologiczny w Polsce (The Polish Kennel Club) - Branch in Lublin
st. Dolna Panny Marii 53, 20-010 Lublin, Poland
tel./fax (+48) 81 532 75 50 e-mail: (everything concerning the show):
PL 35 1020 3150 0000 3702 0002 8795 SWIFT: BPKOPLPW
We wish you most succesful show!